Ethel Daguyo aka Ging Short A very bad and untrusting person. Ethel has no understanding of life or what its about. She looks for handout's. Praying on free money. A very undependable person. Ethel will let you down in your most desperate time. Ethel is a grown woman, But still a child. Philip Short is a crazy man at age 67 he married Ethel Daguyo 20 yrs a Peasant Girl. Now she needs to look across the room at a man she doesn't love, But only wish he would die so she can't get what he has left.
If not for a caring Fiancé of Ethel's. A Fiancé who cared helping her confidence to go to college's. A Fiancé who paid everything that needed to be paid for. What were you thinking? Ethel Loves Rocky, But she made a terrible Choice. Ethel didn't think Rocky would find out about philip, she was wrong. Ethel's Plan Failed. There is much hate for the Philippines. Women have no Pride. American's have values, moral's and self respect. To have pride of accomplishment of making your own life, building your own life. Not beening told what to do because your owned by your husband. A freedom, free willing to be yourself. Thats what Rocky wanted for you. Freedom not ownership. Any woman can marry a old man. Your not God Fearing, You have no faith in GOD. You lied to that old man. What your dealing with is a life long pain.
Rocky really feels sorry for you. When you go to work and give your money every week for 5 years to a girl you love, then you will understand the hurtfulness, pain. Since you only think about yourself. It's understandable your decion to marry a old man to give you instant security. Rocky found you in philippines. May 2011 Then Rocky when back to his hotel, and did some serious thinking about you. Thinking Ethel might do this in USA, Ethel might go with someone else. Ethel Since you couldn't be trusted. Rocky did let go of you, But the hurt is still there, the tears are still there. Ethel you spent countless days hours and years with Rocky. Ethel you can tell Philip anything you want. How could you live with yourself. Are you that greedy to take instant security over love. God will judge you in your time. Rocky was wonderful to you.
Rocky never wanted bad things to come out. He loves you. Rocky misses you and is very hurt you don't call him. Rocky does not want to yell at you. Rocky is not hisself anymore. Anyone can see the emptyness in his face.
Ethel its a terrible thing to be looking for love after philip die's. After it happeneds, and after you experiance it. Then you will relize, But its all to to late. You will never heal from this. Love.............